Sunday, July 12, 2009 Calc shortcuts

I just learned that Ctrl-+ and Ctrl-- add (or remove, respectively) a cell/line in Calc.

Haven't noticed that before, and I only learned it, because I wanted to zoom in/out (like in Firefox)...
Boy, I'm glad there was a popup, and I did not ruin my spreadsheet without knowing it...


Nose said...

well i dont know if there is any real standard keyboard-only shortcut.
But the one method that is common through MS office, firefox, OpenOffice, is...
Ctrl + roll the mouse wheel

I do dislike OpenOffice though because it does _not_ update the zoom indicator in the bottom right corner _while_ you roll the wheel, only after you release ctrl.

Roman said...

a bit harsh to dislike the whole just because of that ...
... and a) raise a bug or b) fix it ... it's open source :-)