Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The ipod did it again

Just a couple of days ago, my iPod touch put me in panic mode, because the downloaded apps would not start.
The solution was to install one (any) additional app from the store (a free one, preferably).

Yesterday, he's done it again [1].

Again I had to install a free app.
First time it was the cool (but pointless) "Night Stand".
Yesterday it was the "WiFinder"...

This is getting annoying...

[1] speaking of "he's done it again" - reminds me of the good old Pepsi ad.


Unknown said...

Hmm, welche FW Version isn drauf?

Das hatte ich auf meinem Touch auch, war aber nach irgendeinem update weg. Bei mir hat auch nur die Neuinstallation einer installierten oder das installieren einer neuen App geholfen...

Roman said...

fahre 2.2 (5G77a)